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Harvest moon - back to nature [for PC]version indo.rar
Password : www.remo-xp.com
Game Basara For PC
Untuk download : http://www.filecrop.com/Games-Basara-Pc.html
Portable Gran Turismo
Developer: Polyphony Digital
Genre: GT / Street Racing
Number of Players: 1-2
info: www.gamespot.com
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Zuma's Revenge! v1.0.4.9495

Version: Full Portable
Developer: PopCap Games
Homepage: popcap.com
Updated: 2009.10
License / Price: 16.95 EUR(patch)
Language: Multilanguage
Platform: Windows 2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
Size: 109.2 mb
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Medal Of Honor (2010)
* Processor: Core 2 Duo@2.0GHz
* Main memory: 2GB
* Graphics card: GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900
* Graphics memory: 256MB
* OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
* Free HDD space:
* 15GB for Digital Version, 10GB for Disc Version
* 10GB for Digital Version, 4GB for Disc Version
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Basenji Portable Volume Indexer
Basenji merupakan software portable untuk mengindex isi CD/DVD atau media portable lainnya yang bekerja dengan cepat, yang kemudian menyimpan datanya ke dalam database. Sehingga semua isi yang sudah disimpan dapat di lihat dengan mudah dan cepat. Basenji dapat digunakan untuk Windows maupun Linux.
Fitur-fitur Basenji antara lain :
* Tampilan (GUI = Graphical User Interface) yang memudahkan, hanya menampilkan apa-apa yang penting saja
* Pencarian dengan algoritma atau query tertentu. Misalnya : “dataku and type=image and filesize > 1 MB”
* Mendukung Audio CD
* Extrak metadata atau informasi yang ada di file secara otomatis seperti ukuran gambar, MP3 tags
* Opsi untuk membuat thumbnail dari gambar, video atau PDF
* Crossplatform, dapat berjalan di Windows maupun Linux
Untuk pengguna Windows, sebelum menggunakan Basenji, di komputer harus ada Microsoft .NET 3.5 dan juga perlu di install GTK ( komponen interface yang biasanya untuk linux, sudah disertakan dalam software ini). Setelah download basenji + GTK, buka zip dan extract. Selanjutnya install GTK terlebih dahulu (run gtk-sharp-2.12.9-2.win32.msi). Setelah itu, kita bisa mulai menggunakan Basenji untuk mengindex dan membuat databse isi CD/DVD.
sumber: ebsoft
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Friday, March 6, 2009
Portable Road Rash
Road Rash is the name of a motorcycle-racing video game series by Electronic Arts, in which the player participates in violent illegal street races. The game was originally written for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, but was ported to several other systems. Six versions of the game were released from 1991 to 1999, and a 2004 licensed port for the Game Boy Advance was released. The game's title is based on the slang term for the severe friction burns that can occur in a motorcycling fall where skin comes into contact with the ground at high speed.
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Portable Beach Head 2002
Your job is to defend an assigned inland defense perimeter, protecting a command post to repel expected ground and airborne assaults. Attacks come from airlifted troops, armored personnel carriers, tanks, Cobra helicopters, jets, and more. Battle through both day and night scenarios utilizing the limited ammo given you to survive!
Beach Head 2002 features:
Day and Night Fighting with search lights and flares
Realistic physics and motions
Special forces night attacks!
Smart troops and realistic soldier action (with sophisticated soldier animations)
Air support (B58 bombers at your command)
Blue-print precise realistic defender weapons (M60 general purpose MG, twin barrel 30 cal AA gun, 75mm AT cannon, .45 handgun, and Gattling gun).
Blue-print precise realistic enemy weapons (MB78 main battle tank, APC Fuchs with gun turrets and missile launchers, Cobra attack helicopters, CH53 Shercoskys, F101 jet fighters and C-130 Hercules transport aircraft).
Realistic battle sounds and special effects (Dimensional sound effects for distance and battlefield depth).
Full Version Features
* Unlimited play on up to 5 computers - you own the game!
* Instant activation so you can play right away with no additional downloads required if you have the trial installed!
* No shipping, waiting or CD-ROM necessary.
* 48-hour money back guarantee
* Unlimited gameplay, fight this intense war whenever you feel the need!
* Instant activation, no more downloads
* Unlimited number of levels!
* Air support at your command
* Use infrared, search lights, flares, and special forces!
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Monday, March 2, 2009
Portable Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PC Games)
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (エースコンバット3 エレクトロスフィア ,Ēsu Conbatto Surī Erekutorosufia) is the third installment in the Ace Combat series of games. A major departure from every other game in the series, it featured a futuristic storyline involving a war between a group of multinational corporations.
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Friday, February 27, 2009
Portable Ace Combat 2 (PC Game)
Ace Combat 2 is the sequel to the 1995 Arcade/Flight-sim Air Combat, released in 1997 by Namco. Ace Combat 2 is part of Namco's Ace Combat series and continues the arcade style gameplay of its predecessor, with major improvements. Various subsequent Ace Combat games use similar maps or missions. In 2005 Namco re-released Ace Combat 2 as part of the NamCollection for the Playstation 2 to celebrate the publisher's 50th anniversary.
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Portable Crash Bash (PC Game)
Crash Bash is the fifth installment in the Crash Bandicoot series. The game's story centers on a contest of minigames held by Aku Aku and Uka Uka to decide whether good or evil is the strongest.
The player wins Trophies, Crystals, and Gems by beating the different challenges of each level. The player can access additional Warp Rooms by defeating Arena Bosses. Each arena is played in the same manner; the arena continues until one player wins three rounds; winning three rounds earns the player a Trophy. Aku Aku decides that they must settle this once and for all, but when Uka Uka attempts to fight, Aku Aku reminds him that there could be no malice between them. Aku Aku summons Crash and Coco, while Uka Uka summons Doctor Neo Cortex, Doctor Nitrus Brio, Tiny Tiger, Koala Kong, Dingodile and Rilla Roo. Aku Aku protests, as Uka Uka's side has too many players. Challenging Uka Uka's confidence in his own power, Aku Aku demands that he surrender two of his team. Aku Aku denies using any tricks, and announces that he knew from the start that Uka Uka was actually attempting to steal the Crystals. Uka Uka demands what is this, and Aku Aku gives him the penalty for disturbing the Crystals. Uka Uka is ejected into space.
If the evil side wins, a supernatural storm rages throughout the universe announcing that Uka Uka has won. If one player is good and the other player is evil, Aku Aku and Uka Uka will state that they must fight each other to find out which side is stronger.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Portable Beach Head Desert War
BEACH HEAD DESERT WAR Features include:
o Hard Core Desert War in a New Middle East Desert Scenario
o Day and Night Fighting with search lights and flares
o Massive airborne attacks day and night.
o Rogue Estate Army with smart troops and realistic soldier action
o Air support
o Realistic physics and motions
o Blue-print precise and realistic weapons
o Realistic battle sounds and special effects
o 3D hardware cards compatible
Other Features include:
o Heat seeking missile launcher
o New APC's (Armored Personnel Carriers) armed with gun turrets and missile launchers
o Diverse and specific ammo drops (bullets missiles and shells)
o Built in cheat code keys
o Special forces night attacks
o Air and Land 360° Enemy attacks (drops)
o Unlimited levels and more variety of situations
o Full cause and effect with accumulative damage registration for true to life action
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS(Minimum Specifications):
Pentium 350MHz or higher
Windows(r) 95/98/Me
90MB hard disk space
DirectX compatible sound card
16MB DirectX(r) compatible video cards
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Portable Twisted Metal 4 (PC Game)
Slam into vehicular combat action with TWISTED METAL 4 from Sony. In this souped-up addition to the TWISTED METAL series, destruction and madness have spread across the land like a disease. You are the quickest and meanest racer alive, and your ... Full Descriptiontask is to choose from varied, heavily armed, hi-tech street machines like police cars, taxicabs, motorcycles, and ice cream trucks to compete in contests of aggressive ROAD WARRIOR-style survival. Try to find the time to take in the awesome, highly interactive 3D scenery as you smash from building to building and road to road in an attempt to outrun your evil pursuers and emerge as the victor. In Single-Player mode or Head-to-Head PlayStation-networked battle, you'll fight through expansive levels, shooting and maneuvering against fearsome foes and weird criminals. Wade into combat with weapons like homing-missiles, machine guns, flamethrowers, and napalm as you slam to a hard-rocking soundtrack from Cypress Hill and Rob Zombie. In the psycho, winner-take-all world of TWISTED METAL 4, you'll need an iron will and super-human skills to survive the hellish demolition derby.
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Portable Metal Slug X (PC Game)
Nothing like a good firefight to start your day off right, and nothing else lights that fuse better than a ride on SNK's wild NeoGeo shooter series Metal Slug. This newest in the series cranks that mamajama up with more levels, more characters, more enemies, more explosions, more ride-alongs, more incredible bosses, more graphics, more booming sounds, more... Well, let's just say that ‘less' is not an option for this hardcore shooter series. The action goes nuclear again as players get to tag in a buddy and choose from several rough-neck characters to shred through some shrapnel in dozens of stages and mini-missions. Players will get to jump aboard the Metal Slug Tank, the bombardier Flying Slug, the menacing Slugnoid, and even slide into the hoopty-hump of the Camel Slug! Special Art Galleries open up if you've got the skills to bust this nut open, so lock and load, and don't stop shooting until the machine gun barrel melts on you.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Portable Adobe Photoshop CS4 + Adobe Brigde CS4 (Full)
Create powerful images with the professional standard!
Adobe Photoshop-the essential software for perfecting your images,Adobe PhotoshopCS4 now offers productivity and workflow enhancements, powerful new editing tools, and breakthrough compositing capabilities.
Adobe PhotoshopCS4 software accelerates your path from imagination to imagery. Ideal for photographers, graphic designers, and web designers, the professional standard delivers new features such as automatic layer alignment and blending that enable advanced compositing. Live filters boost the comprehensive, nondestructive editing toolset for increased flexibility. And a streamlined interface and new timesaving tools make your work flow faster.
Adobe PhotoshopCS4 Extended software delivers all the features in Photoshop CS4, plus new features for working with 3D imagery, motion-based content, and advanced image analysis. If you work in film, video, multimedia, 3D, manufacturing, architecture, engineering, medicine, or science, Photoshop Extended is for you.
Download Portable Adobe Photoshop CS4 + Adobe Brigde CS4 via :
|zshare| : Full Download
|ziddu| : Part01 | Part02 | Part03 | Part04 | Part05 |
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|rapidshare| : Part01 | Part02 | Part03 | Part04 | Part05 |
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Portable Tomb Raider Chronicles (PC Game)
Lara Croft, that cultural icon, cover girl, and scourge of wildlife everywhere, was last seen buried beneath an Egyptian pyramid at the end of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. Despite this apparent demise, Lara returns in Tomb Raider: Chronicles, an adventure that features previously unseen episodes from her career. Old friends of Lara who have gathered for her funeral and to swap stories about her exploits introduce the episodes.
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Monday, February 2, 2009
Portable Crash Team Racing (PC Game)
All of the characters from CRASH BANDICOOT are getting their go-karts ready to race.Suddenly, an alien named Nitrous Oxide appears and challenges the characters to a race.If Nitrous wins, he gets to take over the planet.Crash and his friends must win at all costs to avoid falling under the rule of Nitrous.
Pick from classic CRASH BANDICOOT characters like Crash, Coco, and Dr. Cortex, each with custom carts, and hit one of the 25 tracks.Jump, power slide, and turbo your way to missiles and bombs you can use to get rid of the opposition.
Blast opponents in the arcade and story modes, or form teams and blast the other guys in the battle modes.When you friends start talking trash about your racing style, make up to three of them put up or shut up with versus mode.
Play CTR: CRASH TEAM RACING and try to save the world from Nitrous Oxide.
Note: Menu bar is Spanish. But Game is English.
Control Buttons: "S" (Select menu item.) "Up, Down, Left, Right" arrow (Menu arround.)
"Z" for speed, left and right arrow for direction use in the game. Esc. button quick exit
Screenshots :
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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Portable Complete File Recovery
You can find and restore lost images from your digital camera or any other type of file.
Complete File Recovery is a universal file recovery software.
Restore deleted files from hard disks, USB flash drives, CD/DVD disks, CF, SD or Memory Stick cards and other storage media even if they emptied from the Recycle Bin.
You can find and restore lost images from your digital camera or music files from your iPod or other mp3 player.
All types of files are supported: photos, images, all types of document files, music, email databases.
No installation required, so you can run the program from USB flash disk and find deleted files on any PC. You have the possibility of previewing found deleted files before restoring them.
Here are some key features of "Complete File Recovery":
· Recover files even if they emptied from the Recycle Bin
· Recover photos, documents, music, video, email and other files
· Recover files from hard drives, USB disks, digital camera cards, flash cards (CF, SD, Memory Stick and other), Zip, floppy disk or other media
· Complete File Recovery does not require installation - just download and run it to find and recover your deleted files
· Drag-n-Drop support- just drag found file from the program with your mouse to recover it
· Preview found deleted files before restoring them
.Thumbnil preview mode for deleted files.You can preview your file content in using internal program viewer (for example, you can see all your deleted photos from your digital camera before you recover them) which tells you if a successful recovery is possible. You'll know in advance exactly which files can be recovered.
.The program can scan disk for deleted files with any Windows file system.
.Recover files even if they emptied from the Recycle Bin.
· Nice and simple user interface
Complete File Recovery can find and recover any type of deleted file - program, music, photo or video. However, it has a set of specially predefined file types with advanced search algorythms.
Homepage : www.ariolic.com
Screenshot :
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Portable
One of the most obvious changes in the new CS4 applications is the user interface, and this change will also be carried over into the next version of Adobe’s Photoshop. This decision is described in detail by Adobe’s John Nack.
Nack describes how Adobe has been trying to make the interfaces on their apps more consistent and shows off a screenshot of the new Mac Photoshop “application frame”. This application frame contains both user interface elements as well as documents themselves. Despite expressing his own initial resistance, Nack explains the advantages to the consolidated window:
- It facilitates N-up (2-up, 3-up, etc.) document layouts that adapt as you adjust the interface. Think “live window tiling”–great for comparing, compositing, etc.
- It makes it easier to move the entire application and its contents, including from one monitor to another.
- It prevents documents from getting obscured by panels (palettes).
- It blocks out the contents of the desktop, minimizing visual clutter.
Website : www.adobe.com
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Rar Password : udhexz.wordpress.com
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Portable
Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current and primary market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems.
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